全国备灾月, 每年九月观测, serves as a vital reminder to prioritize readiness in the face of unforeseen emergencies. One of the most common and impactful emergency scenarios is an extended power outage. 在这篇博文中, we'll delve into the essentials of creating a comprehensive emergency kit tailored for such situations and emphasize the importance of having a family plan.


When the lights go out unexpectedly and stay off for an extended period, having a well-equipped emergency kit can make all the difference. Here's a list of key items to include in your kit in today’s world:


  • Water and Non-Perishable Food: Chances are you are going to have access to your home during an extended power outage. However, having dedicated bottled jugs of water in an emergency tote is important to have on hand. Aim for a three-day supply (one gallon per person per day) and non-perishable, 即食食品,如罐头食品, 能量棒, 还有干果.
  • Lighting and Communication: In 2023 besides water and some food, 这是一个非常重要的配件. Having some extra battery charging packs and chargers dedicated to your tote will help to allow you to connect for any emergency related services and stay informed.
  • Personal Hygiene Items: Don’t overlook items like hand sanitizers and wet wipes. Having these items dedicated helps keep you healthy when you don’t have access to power.
  • Emergency Contacts: Compile a list of local emergency numbers, 医疗设施, 以及社区ladbrokes立博中文版, 把它们print出来放在你的工具箱里.
  • Special Needs Consideration: Consider the unique needs of family members, 其中包括婴儿, 老年人, 和宠物. Ensure your emergency kit caters to these requirements.


Items to have on hand or be able to locate within your household:

  • Multi-Tool Kit: A versatile tool set featuring a knife, 钳, and screwdrivers can be invaluable during power outages.
  • Cash:在数字世界里, having some cash on hand can be crucial if ATMs and card machines are rendered useless.
  • Important Documents: Keep copies of essential documents like identification, 保险政策, 还有防水容器里的医疗记录.
  • First Aid Kit: Your kit should include basic medical supplies like bandages, 防腐剂, 止痛药, 以及任何必要的处方药.



While having a well-stocked emergency kit is essential, a comprehensive family plan adds an extra layer of security.

This plan should include the location of the emergency kit and what is inside. Discuss the importance of the do’s and don’ts of an outage. Possible evacuation plan and any other pertinent information to the area you live in and your family dynamics.


  • 立即报告您的故障. Do not rely on your neighbors to report your outage.
  • Stay away from downed power lines, flooded areas and debris. Treat all fallen wires and anything touching them as though they are energized and report downed lines by calling (800) 648-9401.
  • Turn off all appliances, including your furnace, air conditioner, water heater and water pump. Leave on one lamp to know when power has been restored. That way you can avoid a circuit overload and another outage that may result when power is restored to all appliances at once.
  • 保持冰柜和冰箱门关闭. Food will stay frozen for 36 to 48 hours in a fully loaded freezer if you keep the door closed. A half-full freezer will generally keep food frozen for 24 hours. 冷藏物品, 包牛奶, 其他乳制品, 肉, 鱼, 鸡蛋, 肉汁, and spoil-able leftovers into a cooler surrounded by ice. Inexpensive Styrofoam coolers are also fine for this purpose.
  • Follow safe operating procedures for generators. Never operate one inside your home or in an enclosed space, such as a garage.
  • Listen to the local radio station on your battery-operated radio for regular news and weather updates. Follow Crow Wing Power on Facebook for regular outage updates.
  • Make sure your area is sufficiently ventilated if using portable stoves, 煤油加热器或灯.
  • 避免旅行, 如果可能的话, 但如果你一定要, please help protect line workers and crews when you see them on the roadside making emergency repairs. Move over from the lane nearest the workers or slow down until you can safely pass the work site.
  • 当外面热的时候, 关闭窗帘, 在你房子向阳的一面装上百叶窗, 多喝水, take your pets to a cool basement location or go to an air-conditioned civic center, 购物中心, 或者图书馆,如果有必要保持凉爽.
  • 外面很冷的时候, 白天把百叶窗打开, 晚上用窗帘遮住窗户, avoid alcoholic beverages and gather in a central room where there is an alternative heat source, 例如壁炉或煤油空间加热器. If the indoor temperature drops to 55°F or below, open your faucets slightly so they constantly drip to prevent pipes from freezing.
  • Do not hesitate to contact a physician if you have any health-related questions.

Creating a well-rounded emergency kit tailored for extended power outages and formulating a solid family plan are essential steps towards ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved ones. 通过做好准备, you not only gain peace of mind but also empower yourself to face challenges head-on and emerge resilient in the face of adversity.